Stephanie Monson

Company: Genentech
Job title: Principal Scientist
Panel Discussion: Why is it so much Harder to Deliver Oligonucleotides to the Brain Compared to Other Organs? 11:30 am
Exploring that the rate-limiting step for oligonucleotides targeted for CNS indications is release of oligonucleotides from lysosome and brain tissue Evaluating novel delivery technologies across LNPs, ultrasound, viral particles and routes of administration in delivering oligonucleotides to the brain without compromising on potency, distribution, affinity or efficacy Reviewing the next step to optimizing structural design…Read more
day: Conference Day One
Workshop C: Optimizing Conjugate-Oligonucleotide Structure-Activity Relationship for Streamlined Brain Shuttle Delivery 11:15 am
Balancing between optimizing PK/PD across the blood-brain barrier while maintaining high receptor binding affinity has been a significant bottleneck in the development of efficacious oligonucleotides for CNS diseases. Perfecting the charge, polarization and chemical structure of the therapeutic is critical to drug development success. Join this workshop to: Explore innovations in LNP conjugation to alter…Read more
day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day Track C