Kerstin Hofer

Company: Roche
Job title: Senior Scientist
Panel Discussion: Why is it so much Harder to Deliver Oligonucleotides to the Brain Compared to Other Organs? 11:30 am
Exploring that the rate-limiting step for oligonucleotides targeted for CNS indications is release of oligonucleotides from lysosome and brain tissue Evaluating novel delivery technologies across LNPs, ultrasound, viral particles and routes of administration in delivering oligonucleotides to the brain without compromising on potency, distribution, affinity or efficacy Reviewing the next step to optimizing structural design…Read more
day: Conference Day One
Using Site-Specific Transglutaminase-Based ASO Conjugation to Maintain Optimal Pharmacokinetics with Peripheral Administration 8:00 am
Using a stepwise process to identify optimal conjugation site, tags, reaction conditions and linker design to show high conjugate fidelity of peptide tags YRYRQ and RYESK Mitigating increase hydrophobicity by ASO payload with appropriate choice of conjugations site at heavy chain position 297 Reviewing In vitro and in vivo pharmacokinetic behaviour of optimized brainshuttle-ASO conjugates…Read more
day: Conference Day One